SNAP513045 \welw\Programming\Ellen Foley Kessler\

  Modified                      Size      Name
  5/1/1980  4:35 AM         <Folder>   Parent Folder
 8/16/2024  7:15 AM        5,783,492   240824 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 3 .mp3
 8/16/2024  7:11 AM        8,231,028   240824 UCAP Dondorofer .mp3
 8/30/2024  7:14 AM        6,743,894   240830 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 1.mp3
 8/30/2024  7:14 AM        6,600,790   240830 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 2 .mp3
 8/30/2024  7:12 AM        7,651,606   240830 UCAP Mike Zuren  Pt 1.mp3
 8/30/2024  7:12 AM        6,563,558   240830 UCAP Mike Zuren Pt 2 .mp3
  5/3/2024  5:30 AM        6,080,724   240503 UCAP Sports Show Pt 1.mp3
  5/3/2024  5:31 AM        6,428,916   240503 UCAP Sports Show Pt 2 .mp3
  5/3/2024  5:32 AM        7,149,844   240503 UCAP Sports Show Pt 3 .mp3
  5/3/2024  5:32 AM        6,666,452   240503 UCAP Sports Show Pt 4 .mp3
  5/3/2024  5:28 AM       26,304,148   240503 UCAP Sports Show.mp3
 5/10/2024  5:29 AM        6,893,862   240510 UCAP  Sports Crew Pt 1 .mp3
 5/10/2024  5:33 AM        6,357,014   240510 UCAP Sports Crew Pt 2 .mp3
 7/18/2023  6:59 AM        5,108,301   220506 UCAP Ron Young 5-6-22 Pt 2 .mp3
 5/20/2024  2:34 AM        6,875,558   240517 UCAP 5-17-24  Pt 4 .mp3
 5/10/2024  5:35 AM        6,007,158   240510 UCAP Sports Crew Pt 3 .mp3
 5/10/2024  5:35 AM        6,936,086   240510 UCAP Sports Crew Pt 4 .mp3
 7/18/2023  7:00 AM        6,216,602   220526 UCAP Bob Kriizancic Pt 1 .mp3
 5/20/2024  2:31 AM        6,511,558   240517 UCAP 5-17-24 Pt 1.mp3
 5/20/2024  2:29 AM        6,843,526   240517 UCAP 5-17-24 Pt 2 .mp3
 5/20/2024  2:29 AM        6,750,550   240517 UCAP 5-17-24 Pt 3 .mp3
 5/24/2024  5:54 AM        3,329,366   240524 UCAP Chef John Roberto.mp3
 5/24/2024  5:52 AM       11,462,166   240524 UCAP Nowacki .mp3
  5/4/1980  4:41 PM        3,526,945
 5/24/2024  5:55 AM       12,227,814   240524 UCAP The Sports Team.mp3
 5/31/2024  5:47 AM        7,125,092   240531 UCAP 5-31-24 Pt 1 .mp3
 5/31/2024  5:44 AM        6,061,588   240531 UCAP 5-31-24 Pt 2 .mp3
 5/31/2024  5:46 AM        7,461,636   240531 UCAP 5-31-24 Pt 3 .mp3
 5/31/2024  5:46 AM        7,256,132   240531 UCAP 5-31-24 Pt 4 .mp3
 5/30/2024  7:50 AM        5,827,927   240531 UCAP Megan with Ellen 5-31-24 .mp3
 6/14/2024  7:34 AM        5,811,364   240614 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 2 .mp3
 6/14/2024  7:34 AM        6,660,628   240614 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 3 6-14-24 .mp3
 6/14/2024  7:31 AM        8,766,004   240614 UCAP Alma Riley 6-14-24 .mp3
 6/14/2024  7:33 AM        6,029,972   240614 UCAP The Sports Team Pt 1 6-14-24 .mp3
 6/21/2024  5:48 AM        7,089,578   240621 UCAP  The Sports Team .mp3
 6/21/2024  5:55 AM        6,705,830   240621 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 2 .mp3
 6/21/2024  5:56 AM        6,413,798   240621 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 3 .mp3
 6/21/2024  5:18 AM        6,712,278   240621 UCAP Andrew Grover Of the Lake County Captains.mp3
  7/5/2024  6:57 AM       18,433,716   240705 UCAP Ron Graham .mp3
 7/12/2024  6:47 AM       13,419,172   240712 UCAP Jerry Cirino .mp3
 7/12/2024  6:50 AM        6,424,756   240712 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 1.mp3
 7/12/2024  6:50 AM        6,313,476   240712 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 2 .mp3
 7/19/2024  6:35 AM       14,846,468   240719 UCAP  The Sports Team_7-19-24 .mp3
 7/19/2024  6:34 AM       12,524,980   240719 UCAP Dale Fellows.mp3
 7/26/2024  5:41 AM       12,861,174   240726 UCAP Maureen Kelly .mp3
 7/26/2024  5:43 AM       13,501,814   240726 UCAP The Sports Team.mp3
  8/5/2024  7:41 AM        6,339,268   240802 UCAP Micah Potter The Sports Team Pt 1.mp3
 8/23/2024  7:33 AM        7,949,462   240823 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 2 .mp3
  8/5/2024  7:42 AM        5,256,628   240802 UCAP Micah Potter The Sports Team Pt 2 .mp3
  8/5/2024  7:43 AM        5,685,940   240802 UCAP Micah Potter The Sports Team Pt 3 .mp3
  8/5/2024  7:44 AM        8,468,564   240802 UCAP Micah Potter The Sports Team Pt 4 .mp3
 8/16/2024  7:12 AM        6,297,668   240824 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 1 .mp3
 8/16/2024  7:14 AM        6,001,476   240824 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 2 .mp3
 9/13/2024  7:09 AM        6,790,902   240913 UCAP Jerry Cirino .mp3
 9/13/2024  7:10 AM        6,450,822   240913 UCAP Maureen Kelly .mp3
 7/18/2023  7:20 AM        8,569,629   230529 UCAP Chef John Roberto 5-19-23.mp3
 9/13/2024  7:11 AM        6,855,382   240913 UCAP The Sports Team  Pt 1.mp3
 9/13/2024  7:12 AM        7,025,318   240913 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 2 .mp3
 9/20/2024  7:43 AM        5,372,900   240920 UCAP Cassella And The Sports Team Pt 1.mp3
 9/20/2024  7:43 AM        5,135,572   240920 UCAP Cassella And The Sports Team Pt 2.mp3
 9/20/2024  7:42 AM        7,493,876   240920 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 1.mp3
 9/20/2024  7:41 AM        7,668,596   240920 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 2 .mp3
 9/27/2024  7:00 AM       10,371,348   240927 UCAP Dave Spotton .mp3
 9/27/2024  7:04 AM        5,776,212   240927 UCAP The Sports Team Pt 3 .mp3
 9/27/2024  7:01 AM        6,195,956   240927 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 1.mp3
 9/27/2024  7:02 AM        5,906,628   240927 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 2.mp3
 10/4/2024  6:46 AM        5,687,878   241004 UCAP Greg Truhan Pt 1 10-4-24 .mp3
 10/4/2024  6:42 AM        6,637,398   241004 UCAP Greg Truhan Pt 2 10-4-24 .mp3
 10/4/2024  6:44 AM        6,734,118   241004 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 1 10-4-24 .mp3
10/18/2024  5:59 AM        8,382,102   241018 UCAP Jerry Cirino .mp3
 10/4/2024  6:46 AM        8,074,886   241004 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 2 10-4-24 .mp3
10/11/2024  7:41 AM        7,194,980   241011 UCAP Greg Truhan  Pt 1.mp3
10/11/2024  7:41 AM        6,526,884   241011 UCAP Greg Truhan  Pt 2 .mp3
10/11/2024  7:43 AM        7,197,268   241011 UCAP  Sports Team Pt 1.mp3
10/11/2024  7:43 AM        7,186,868   241011 UCAP  Sports Team Pt 2 .mp3
10/18/2024  6:02 AM        9,367,190   241018 UCAP  Sports Team Pt 2 .mp3
10/18/2024  6:01 AM        7,975,046   241018 UCAP  Sports Team  Pt 1.mp3
10/25/2024  7:22 AM        7,443,190   241025 UCAP The Sports Team Pt 2 .mp3
10/25/2024  7:24 AM        9,674,614   241025 UCAP The Sports Team Pt 3 .mp3
10/25/2024  7:21 AM        8,625,878   241025 UCAP The Sports Team Pt 1.mp3
 11/8/2024  6:59 AM        5,692,246   241108 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 2 .mp3
 11/8/2024  6:57 AM        8,141,238   241108 UCAP Jerry Cirino .mp3
 11/8/2024  6:56 AM        7,282,822   241108 UCAP Maureen Kelly  .mp3
 11/8/2024  6:58 AM        6,441,670   241108 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 1.mp3
11/29/2024  9:12 AM        6,609,044   241129 UCAP The Sports Team Pt 2 .mp3
11/29/2024  9:13 AM        6,438,276   241129 UCAP The Sports Team Pt 3 .mp3
11/29/2024  9:14 AM        6,598,644   241129 UCAP The Sports Team Pt 4 .mp3
 12/6/2024  9:41 AM        9,210,150   241206 UCAP  The Sports Team Part 2 .mp3
 12/6/2024  9:38 AM        7,544,902   241206 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 1 .mp3
 12/6/2024  9:42 AM       11,210,278   241206 UCAP Mike Zuren .mp3
11/15/2024  9:42 AM       15,075,476   241115 UCAP  Sports Team_.mp3
11/15/2024  9:40 AM       12,233,364   241115 UCAP Jerry Cirino.mp3
11/22/2024  9:40 AM       14,308,372   241122 UCAP  The Sports Team.mp3
11/22/2024  9:38 AM        4,202,484   241122 UCAP John Roberto .mp3
11/22/2024  9:39 AM        8,771,828   241122 UCAP Mike Zuren  .mp3
11/29/2024  9:11 AM        7,418,580   241129 UCAP The Sports Team Pt 1.mp3
12/20/2024  9:37 AM        6,937,268   241220 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 1.mp3
12/20/2024  9:37 AM        7,762,820   241220 UCAP  The Sports Team Pt 2 .mp3
12/20/2024  9:39 AM        3,227,380   241220 UCAP Chef John Roberto .mp3
12/20/2024  9:39 AM        9,468,420   241220 UCAP  Mike Zuren .mp3
12/13/2024  9:21 AM        5,261,270   241213 UCAP The sports Team  Pt 3 .mp3
12/13/2024  9:22 AM        5,675,190   241213 UCAP The sports Team Pt 4 .mp3
12/13/2024  9:20 AM        6,652,374   241213 UCAP  The sports Team Pt 2.mp3
12/13/2024  9:19 AM        9,305,622   241213 UCAP The sports Team  Pt 1.mp3
  1/3/2025  8:17 AM        5,829,942   250103 UCAP The Sports Team Part 1 .mp3
  1/3/2025  8:17 AM        9,167,510   250103 UCAP The Sports Team Pt 2 mp3.mp3
  1/3/2025  8:16 AM       12,343,462   250103 UCAP Coach Bob Krizancic .mp3
 1/10/2025  9:31 AM        7,769,652   250110 UCAP The Sports Team Pt 2 .mp3
 1/17/2025  9:39 AM       10,484,436   250117 UCAP Jerry Cirino .mp3
 1/17/2025  9:40 AM       13,966,420   250117 UCAP The Sports Team .mp3
 1/10/2025  9:29 AM        7,707,060   250110 UCAP Greg Truhan .mp3
 1/10/2025  9:31 AM        7,672,116   250110 UCAP The sports Team Pt 1 .mp3
 1/24/2025  9:37 AM        7,766,960   250124 UCAP Jerry Cirino Sports Team Pt 3 .mp3
 1/24/2025  9:37 AM        9,627,632   250124 UCAP Jerry Cirino Sports Team Pt 4 .mp3
 1/24/2025  9:26 AM        5,560,880   250124 UCAP Jerry Cirino pt 1.mp3
 1/24/2025  9:28 AM        5,794,544   250124 UCAP Jerry Cirino Sports Team Pt 2 .mp3
  4/5/2024  5:19 AM        6,053,542   240405 UCAP 4-5-24 Bob Krizancic Joseph Zingales Thomas Pope Pt 3 .mp3
  4/5/2024  5:20 AM        7,158,022   240405 UCAP 4-5-24 Bob Krizancic Joseph Zingales Thomas Pope Pt 4 .mp3
  4/5/2024  5:13 AM        5,996,342   240405 UCAP 4-5-24 Bob Krizancic Joseph Zingales Thomas Pope  Pt 1.mp3
  4/5/2024  5:16 AM        6,464,550   240405 UCAP 4-5-24 Bob Krizancic Joseph Zingales Thomas Pope Pt 2 .mp3